It sometimes takes me awhile to process things. The other day I was sitting and thinking about the iPhone 5 and wondering what Jobs was going to say at the next key note speech. I had to realize that someone else was going to do the key note and present to the world what Apple Computers was going to be doing next. I'm not particularly an apple fan, but I realize the way the technology and design has changed things. I did look forward to his key notes and all the energy he put behind his project. It was his baby, and you could tell every time he was on that stage. Something I was surprised to see was this quote by Jobs:
It struck a cord with me because it reminds of the ideas found in Matthew 6:27-34 and James 4:13-14. These basically say that we shouldn't worry about tomorrow because God has it all in hand. We should be focusing on the important stuff. The stuff we are called to do, the stuff we are made to do. When Christ spoke about what God loves, He spoke about obedience, Loving God above all others and loving one another. Those are the important things in life. Those are the things that when faced with death we should be wondering, "Did I do it right?" or "Did I do it enough?" Are we living as if the commands of Christ are important or are we worried about the failures or the teasing or the loss?
Jobs kept going in his chosen field even after set backs and loses. Are we as Christians willing to do the same? Are you? God does help us in any situation we may come across; and I would venture to say, that in the grand scheme of life and everything there is to it, following Christ is much bigger than creating a company that changed the way the world looks at computing and communication. The change that Christ is after is the creation of loving and willing hearts; the creation of a called people who know His voice and answer to Him.
Can you hear His voice? Will you answer to Him?