Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jesus, our Bad Wolf

In the episode of Doctor Who called Bad Wolf, they explain the culmination of several episodes where the message Bad Wolf appears written somewhere in different episodes. We find out that it was Rose, leaving a message for herself and The Doctor about what was coming.

Similarly God leaves messages for us through time and space in the same way. The Bible says that all of nature, everything made, declares God to us in Romans 1:20. Everytime we look at nature or the Universe we can see God. Two scientific ways you can see God is through Laminin and the cross inside the M15 whirlpool at the far reaches of the galaxy. We can see it in our literature and the way we search for what is missing in our lives.

In the end Rose is filled with the soul of the Tardis and restores life and balance to the situation. Jesus does the same thing to our lives and situations. We are filled with the Holy Spirit, changing our lives forever. He is our Bad Wolf.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Sin of Galadriel

Sin. Mine's the Love of Money. Everytime God and I go through this particular sin together all I can see is the scene in Lord of the Rings with Galadriel.

Frodo offers her the ring and she is tempted to take it. To rule with the power that it possess. In the middle of the scene we have Galadriel, flush with power and declaring that we would have a Queen, beautiful and trecherous as the sea. Just the idea of the power burns through her so much that she is momentarily transformed into the powerful Queen of Darkness that she would become upon the acceptance of the ring. In the end, she is able to deflect the temptation for ultimate power and go with her people.

Galadriel shows in those few scenes the way sin burns through all of us.

We give in to the particular ring of power that holds us down. Be it the ring of money, jealousy, lust, love of something more than God, immodesty, pride. We can be glad {Matthew 5:12} just as Galadriel is, because not only is there always a way out of that temptation {1 Corinthians 10:13}; it matures us and moves us on to the next land of plenty and peace that awaits us.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Merciful Evil and it's Pretty face

In the Doctor Who episode, "Boom Town"; the last surviving member of the Slitheen family shows back up with a dastardly plan to essentially surf her way back to the area of space where she is from.

The conversation in this episode between the Doctor and the Slitheen is what struck me most. The alien was trying to convince the Doctor that she could be good. That she had changed.
"I promise you I've changed since we last met Doctor. A young thing, something of a danger. The blood lust runs high in our family, I would have killed her without a thought; and then I stopped. She's wandering around out there somewhere right now."

The Doctors response was classic:
"It doesn't mean anything. You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then a little victim is spared. Because he smiled, because she's got freckles; 'cause they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions, because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction; you happen to be kind."

In the end she is still cruel. Just as Proverbs 12:10 says in the last part of the verse {or part b}, "but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." Even in this spinning of the way she had changed, the slitheen was still going to kill the lady she spared, along with everyone else on earth, at the end of her master plan.

In the end even her kindest act was cruel. We are very similar to the slitheen in this way. We believe one good deed will cover all the bad ones we have committed. It's why we need a savior to save us from ourselves. It's why we need Jesus in our lives, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" (Romans 3:23). God though gives us the same chance the slitheen had at the end of the episode: to start again. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." A chance at a life with the one who says, "Behold, I make all things new." (Revelations 21:5)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lessons From The Good Book

Dragon*Con 2009 Sermon, "Lessons From The Good Book"

I really enjoyed this sermon. It hits home and I never saw this in the character Book.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oh, Day 9-oh

My brother and I watch this shout caster named Day 9 {a.k.a. Sean Plott}. He casts about Starcraft and in one of his videos, he proceeds to tell us about a life lesson which he calls: Kittens and Ninja Stars.

***Warning, there is some language***

If you watched the video, and you should, you can see that Day 9 talks about a realization that is actually Biblical in nature.

Namely, that we are made for fellowship and that our emotions will fool us.

Although he is missing the key ingredient; he doesn't fall short of a full pie when he talks about being there for a friend. That actually caring for someone like a beloved family member {Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 18:24} is what gets the point across that their is friendship, and therefore Love, here. Romans 12:5 goes on to say it even more completely, "so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other." We are all one. When one of us gets a ninja star we should react as though it was our body being hit and give aid immediately. We should be there to build defenses and help each other dodge.

In this battle we can't let our emotions fool us {Jeremiah 17:9). Even when we emotionally can't stand a person, we get up pull the ninja star out, dress their wound; and in doing so, get that much closer toward what God was saying about Love. We are to love our enemiesMatthew 5:44, Love God, Mark 12:30 and Love your neighbor as though they were youLuke 10:27.

At the end of the day are you someones ninja star or kitten?

More verses showing the idea of support for each other:
Hebrews 10:25, Romans 12:10-21,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jesus, Merlin and The Grail

I traveled down memory lane and watched the t.v. show Merlin starring Sam Neill (one of the better actors of his time, in my opinion). Netflix suggested to me that I also watch Merlins' Apprentice. Although the show makes no sense in reference to Merlin, it was enjoyable on it's own.

Toward the end of the second episode there is one quote that really reminded me of one of the core ideas from God in The Bible.
"I have never proved myself worthy. I can not do so now. I beg this gift of those who can not ask it. Undo this madness and do with me what you will." - Jack to The Holy Grail
The Grail restores the last few that were fighting for Camelot and there is a stirring speech that follows in which the character owns up to what Camelot started. He goes on to plead forgiveness, to ask them to quit the battle, go home, clean their wounds and begin a new day as citizens of Camelot.

This picture and quote is exactly the idea of salvation in The Bible. John 3:16, 30 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life... He must become greater; I must become less."

In the last few scenes of this episode Jack realizes that to have the pure heart that The Holy Grail {a.k.a. the cup of Christ} will support, you must humble yourself and realize who you are. Realize that it's loving your enemies {Luke 6:35}, putting others before yourself {Mark 12:31}, and relying on God for your rebirth/salvation/recreation {Proverbs 3:5-6} that makes you pure at heart. Not your past actions, not your own plans, and not your understanding of things. It's to give yourself up to God and let Him clean the madness of sin that runs rampant through ourselves. Then to raise up a new man walking beside Christ, forever!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Forbidden Warehouse

After reading Proverbs 10:22; it immediately made me think of Warehouse 13 and every other fairy tale story that I had ever read.

Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it."

If you've seen any episodes of Warehouse 13 you know that it is expressly forbidden for any agent to use an artifact. Artifacts; no matter the good intentions or the good it appears to be doing, have down sides (usually death or dismemberment). The same, if you think about it, happens in fairy tales. When the main character tries to get a quick fix to their problem by using magic or talismans, etc. It usually has an unexpected outcome.

With Jesus, that never happens. He doesn't give you something and then slap you with a downside. He doesn't give you something and then have it back fire on you. He gives from His Love so there is no downside or unexpected outcome. Just the outcome that He says will always happen: you will know that you are Loved, that you are His, and you always will be.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Remember the Star Gate?

So, I'm finishing up my Stargate-a-thon and came across a very interesting phenomenon. I don't remember. I don't remember a lot of these episodes and I don't remember certain sections of certain episodes. Now that I've seen them though, it gives me a whole new appreciation for the shows and for Stargate.

Reading The Bible is kinda like that. If we don't refresh and remind ourselves what is in The Bible, we won't be able to remember it all. We could have heard the story thousands of times and still not remember everything that is important.

There are lots of verses that deal with remembering who God is and what He has done. Deuteronomy 8:18, Psalms 63:6, Psalm 77:11-15, Psalm 103:17-18, Psalms 105:5, Psalm 119:52 and many, many more.

When you go back and read what God has to say in The Bible you find new ideas that you haven't considered before. Just like watching your favorite t.v. shows over again, you remember the parts that you connected to first and every time since. You also gain a whole new perspective on what you thought you knew.

Remember to read your Bible and know what God has said and the mighty works He has done!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Forgiveness in a Jurassic Park

Last night a group of friends and I sat down and watched Jurassic Park. My husband has never seen it and we all decided that it was time. I haven't seen this movie in about 10 years, so I forgot some of the elements that were in the movie itself. One such element was the pairing of the use of Gods' name in vain and a curse word. For me, this is an unaccpetable thing. However, I completely forgot it and told my husband he would Love this movie, that it was great! That he would love it!

This is kind of what forgiveness looks like.

This movie would have never made the cut for viewing if I had remembered those words were in there. But since I didn't, I did nothing but praise it and encourage others to participate in it. God wants us to forgive each other the same way {Colossians 3:13}. He says that when He forgives, those sins are as far away as the east is from the west {Psalms 103:12}. He forgets they were ever there and praises us, participates in our lives and sends others to do the same.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Love Christ like a comicbook

Just recently I started watching Stargate SG-1 again. It's one of my favorite t.v. shows that I go through once a year. Even if I work that day I'm pretty faithful to get one or two episodes in everyday.

For a geek this activity is nothing new. We all have our favorite show that we go through or favorite movie that we watch at least once a year. We go back and visit these characters that we have bonded with, the romances we connected with, the drama and intrigue that became so much a part of us. We raise our kids with it; we watch it with friends and family; we even have parties themed with it.

As geeks, we understand Love and Devotion to ideals that echo within us. Just as these shows touch us, The Bible should live in us and through us. In Deuteronomy 6:7 and 11:19 God says to teach your children His ways in everything that you do. Just like we would introduce our kids to Star Trek, Star Wars, Comic books and all other geeky wonders we should also no forget to teach them about Christ. The Bible teaches us to pray always; to have that continual conversation with Christ. Just like our conversations with friends and fellow comic bookers, gamers, movie buffs and collectors of all types. Jesus wishes the same camaraderie. God desires a passionate relationship with you!

Genesis 29 - Leah is a geek girl, she's a source companion, People! {feel it everywhere}

In which we wonder why Jacob doesn’t check, the heart warming makes Anthony puke, The Twilight Zone is your wedding night and the permanent tan of Jesus.
(If you can guess what band provided the Title we’ll give you an internet cookie! :D)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Genesis 32 - We, are, worms! We’re, not, worthy!

In which Jacob fights an angel, Jacob gets renamed, we discuss Gods personal assurance and how we don’t always rely on it.

Genesis 27 - Favoritism, Death and Hippies

In which we discuss proper parenting/family dynamics, curses, blessings and brothels.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

3XODU5 guest post: Fasting and Spice and everything's coming up Beans

Genesis 25: In which we see that Abraham loved his first son, his twins are born The Con Man and The Red Son, names make Purple Kitty rage and fasting is where it's at!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Highlander Extrapolation

In Ephesians we see Paul setting up for us the peace, love and togetherness that Jesus Christ wishes for us all to have.

Paul, when describing the way we become one with Christ and all He offers, uses the word quickening.

Every good movie geek knows, "there can be only one"! And there is only one God who gives Himself; not only in a physical manner, but who comes to join with us in our everyday life. Who gives us the gift of Himself, His memory, His Power and His Love. Just as some immortals offered themselves to Duncan McCloud giving him the gift of themselves; so Jesus did for each and everyone of us. There is only one and his name is Jesus!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Going Charlie X on God

Charlie X is a Star Trek episode where this kid Charlie has telekinetic powers and is able to make things happen for him just as he likes.. or else.

Many times we try to do the same thing in our relationship with Christ. We try to take the helm, like Charlie sitting in the Captain's Chair, we try to manuever things in our lives to go where we want them to. We block messages {like Charlie did when Uhura was trying to recieve a message from Command}, we break people {sometimes emotionally and sometimes physically, poor Spock got his legs broken}, we try to manuever around until it all gets too much. The ship gets too big and there are too many people to manage all in our own power.

Proverbs 3:5-7 basically says that we should lean on God for all of our navigation. Otherwise we end up just like Charlie; overwhelmed, disliked, always upset, begging for help and ultimately ending in heart break. In the end all the destruction we cause can be reversed by Jesus. Just like the aliens who reversed what Charlie did; Jesus can restore all that we lost or have broken {1 Peter 5:10}. God should always sit in the Captain's Chair.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3XODU5 - Genesis 22 - Gothic Moments and Sacrifice

A Geek round table of what is going on in Genesis 22. My gothic moments, Sarah is left out and a son is almost willfully sacrificed.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

42 - The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything

In the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy a group of pan dimensional beings built a machine called Deep Thought and put it to the task of figuring out what the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything is. It takes Deep Thought 7 and a half billion years to come up with the answer; 42. These beings are sent away by Deep Thought, left to ponder the significance of 42 and sent on a quest to find The Ultimate Question. In the end of it all the beings were left more confused than they had been before. They left with no answers from the God they had created to tell them the secret to it all. The thing that was supposed to be full of all wisdom and knowledge gathered by the people couldn't really answer the question. Much like ourselves; the people sought wisdom in the wrong place. They made themselves an idol and were sent away by it. Jesus, on the other hand, says, "However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them." John 6:37. He seeks an everlasting relationship with everyone. Let us be careful that we do not trust anything to teach us more that we allow Christ. Let us remember to spend time with Him. His call is sweet and exciting! Filled with the possibilities only dreamt of by man in his wildest imaginations. The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything is not a number that must be chased, but a relationship that must be possessed. We must dive in and experience the true wonders of the universe that only the creator of that universe can show us!