I really enjoyed this sermon. It hits home and I never saw this in the character Book.
***Warning, there is some language***
If you watched the video, and you should, you can see that Day 9 talks about a realization that is actually Biblical in nature.
Namely, that we are made for fellowship and that our emotions will fool us.Although he is missing the key ingredient; he doesn't fall short of a full pie when he talks about being there for a friend. That actually caring for someone like a beloved family member {Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 18:24} is what gets the point across that their is friendship, and therefore Love, here. Romans 12:5 goes on to say it even more completely, "so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other." We are all one. When one of us gets a ninja star we should react as though it was our body being hit and give aid immediately. We should be there to build defenses and help each other dodge.
In this battle we can't let our emotions fool us {Jeremiah 17:9). Even when we emotionally can't stand a person, we get up pull the ninja star out, dress their wound; and in doing so, get that much closer toward what God was saying about Love. We are to love our enemiesMatthew 5:44, Love God, Mark 12:30 and Love your neighbor as though they were youLuke 10:27.At the end of the day are you someones ninja star or kitten?
More verses showing the idea of support for each other:
"I have never proved myself worthy. I can not do so now. I beg this gift of those who can not ask it. Undo this madness and do with me what you will." - Jack to The Holy GrailThe Grail restores the last few that were fighting for Camelot and there is a stirring speech that follows in which the character owns up to what Camelot started. He goes on to plead forgiveness, to ask them to quit the battle, go home, clean their wounds and begin a new day as citizens of Camelot.
This picture and quote is exactly the idea of salvation in The Bible. John 3:16, 30 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life... He must become greater; I must become less."
In the last few scenes of this episode Jack realizes that to have the pure heart that The Holy Grail {a.k.a. the cup of Christ} will support, you must humble yourself and realize who you are. Realize that it's loving your enemies {Luke 6:35}, putting others before yourself {Mark 12:31}, and relying on God for your rebirth/salvation/recreation {Proverbs 3:5-6} that makes you pure at heart. Not your past actions, not your own plans, and not your understanding of things. It's to give yourself up to God and let Him clean the madness of sin that runs rampant through ourselves. Then to raise up a new man walking beside Christ, forever!
If you've seen any episodes of Warehouse 13 you know that it is expressly forbidden for any agent to use an artifact. Artifacts; no matter the good intentions or the good it appears to be doing, have down sides (usually death or dismemberment). The same, if you think about it, happens in fairy tales. When the main character tries to get a quick fix to their problem by using magic or talismans, etc. It usually has an unexpected outcome.
With Jesus, that never happens. He doesn't give you something and then slap you with a downside. He doesn't give you something and then have it back fire on you. He gives from His Love so there is no downside or unexpected outcome. Just the outcome that He says will always happen: you will know that you are Loved, that you are His, and you always will be.Reading The Bible is kinda like that. If we don't refresh and remind ourselves what is in The Bible, we won't be able to remember it all. We could have heard the story thousands of times and still not remember everything that is important.
There are lots of verses that deal with remembering who God is and what He has done. Deuteronomy 8:18, Psalms 63:6, Psalm 77:11-15, Psalm 103:17-18, Psalms 105:5, Psalm 119:52 and many, many more.
Remember to read your Bible and know what God has said and the mighty works He has done!
In which we wonder why Jacob doesn’t check, the heart warming makes Anthony puke, The Twilight Zone is your wedding night and the permanent tan of Jesus.
(If you can guess what band provided the Title we’ll give you an internet cookie! :D)