In the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy a group of pan dimensional beings built a machine called Deep Thought and put it to the task of figuring out what the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything is. It takes Deep Thought 7 and a half billion years to come up with the answer; 42. These beings are sent away by Deep Thought, left to ponder the significance of 42 and sent on a quest to find The Ultimate Question. In the end of it all the beings were left more confused than they had been before. They left with no answers from the God they had created to tell them the secret to it all. The thing that was supposed to be full of all wisdom and knowledge gathered by the people couldn't really answer the question. Much like ourselves; the people sought wisdom in the wrong place. They made themselves an idol and were sent away by it. Jesus, on the other hand, says, "However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them." John 6:37. He seeks an everlasting relationship with everyone. Let us be careful that we do not trust anything to teach us more that we allow Christ. Let us remember to spend time with Him. His call is sweet and exciting! Filled with the possibilities only dreamt of by man in his wildest imaginations. The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything is not a number that must be chased, but a relationship that must be possessed. We must dive in and experience the true wonders of the universe that only the creator of that universe can show us!