Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Genesis 32 - We, are, worms! We’re, not, worthy!

In which Jacob fights an angel, Jacob gets renamed, we discuss Gods personal assurance and how we don’t always rely on it.

Genesis 27 - Favoritism, Death and Hippies

In which we discuss proper parenting/family dynamics, curses, blessings and brothels.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

3XODU5 guest post: Fasting and Spice and everything's coming up Beans

Genesis 25: In which we see that Abraham loved his first son, his twins are born The Con Man and The Red Son, names make Purple Kitty rage and fasting is where it's at!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Highlander Extrapolation

In Ephesians we see Paul setting up for us the peace, love and togetherness that Jesus Christ wishes for us all to have.

Paul, when describing the way we become one with Christ and all He offers, uses the word quickening.

Every good movie geek knows, "there can be only one"! And there is only one God who gives Himself; not only in a physical manner, but who comes to join with us in our everyday life. Who gives us the gift of Himself, His memory, His Power and His Love. Just as some immortals offered themselves to Duncan McCloud giving him the gift of themselves; so Jesus did for each and everyone of us. There is only one and his name is Jesus!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Going Charlie X on God

Charlie X is a Star Trek episode where this kid Charlie has telekinetic powers and is able to make things happen for him just as he likes.. or else.

Many times we try to do the same thing in our relationship with Christ. We try to take the helm, like Charlie sitting in the Captain's Chair, we try to manuever things in our lives to go where we want them to. We block messages {like Charlie did when Uhura was trying to recieve a message from Command}, we break people {sometimes emotionally and sometimes physically, poor Spock got his legs broken}, we try to manuever around until it all gets too much. The ship gets too big and there are too many people to manage all in our own power.

Proverbs 3:5-7 basically says that we should lean on God for all of our navigation. Otherwise we end up just like Charlie; overwhelmed, disliked, always upset, begging for help and ultimately ending in heart break. In the end all the destruction we cause can be reversed by Jesus. Just like the aliens who reversed what Charlie did; Jesus can restore all that we lost or have broken {1 Peter 5:10}. God should always sit in the Captain's Chair.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3XODU5 - Genesis 22 - Gothic Moments and Sacrifice

A Geek round table of what is going on in Genesis 22. My gothic moments, Sarah is left out and a son is almost willfully sacrificed.