Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Forgiveness in a Jurassic Park

Last night a group of friends and I sat down and watched Jurassic Park. My husband has never seen it and we all decided that it was time. I haven't seen this movie in about 10 years, so I forgot some of the elements that were in the movie itself. One such element was the pairing of the use of Gods' name in vain and a curse word. For me, this is an unaccpetable thing. However, I completely forgot it and told my husband he would Love this movie, that it was great! That he would love it!

This is kind of what forgiveness looks like.

This movie would have never made the cut for viewing if I had remembered those words were in there. But since I didn't, I did nothing but praise it and encourage others to participate in it. God wants us to forgive each other the same way {Colossians 3:13}. He says that when He forgives, those sins are as far away as the east is from the west {Psalms 103:12}. He forgets they were ever there and praises us, participates in our lives and sends others to do the same.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Love Christ like a comicbook

Just recently I started watching Stargate SG-1 again. It's one of my favorite t.v. shows that I go through once a year. Even if I work that day I'm pretty faithful to get one or two episodes in everyday.

For a geek this activity is nothing new. We all have our favorite show that we go through or favorite movie that we watch at least once a year. We go back and visit these characters that we have bonded with, the romances we connected with, the drama and intrigue that became so much a part of us. We raise our kids with it; we watch it with friends and family; we even have parties themed with it.

As geeks, we understand Love and Devotion to ideals that echo within us. Just as these shows touch us, The Bible should live in us and through us. In Deuteronomy 6:7 and 11:19 God says to teach your children His ways in everything that you do. Just like we would introduce our kids to Star Trek, Star Wars, Comic books and all other geeky wonders we should also no forget to teach them about Christ. The Bible teaches us to pray always; to have that continual conversation with Christ. Just like our conversations with friends and fellow comic bookers, gamers, movie buffs and collectors of all types. Jesus wishes the same camaraderie. God desires a passionate relationship with you!

Genesis 29 - Leah is a geek girl, she's a source companion, People! {feel it everywhere}

In which we wonder why Jacob doesn’t check, the heart warming makes Anthony puke, The Twilight Zone is your wedding night and the permanent tan of Jesus.
(If you can guess what band provided the Title we’ll give you an internet cookie! :D)