Sin. Mine's the Love of Money. Everytime God and I go through this particular sin together all I can see is the scene in Lord of the Rings with Galadriel.
Frodo offers her the ring and she is tempted to take it. To rule with the power that it possess. In the middle of the scene we have Galadriel, flush with power and declaring that we would have a Queen, beautiful and trecherous as the sea. Just the idea of the power burns through her so much that she is momentarily transformed into the powerful Queen of Darkness that she would become upon the acceptance of the ring. In the end, she is able to deflect the temptation for ultimate power and go with her people.
Galadriel shows in those few scenes the way sin burns through all of us.
We give in to the particular ring of power that holds us down. Be it the ring of money, jealousy, lust, love of something more than God, immodesty, pride. We can be glad {
Matthew 5:12} just as Galadriel is, because not only is there always a way out of that temptation {
1 Corinthians 10:13}; it matures us and moves us on to the next land of plenty and peace that awaits us.