I've been, how should I say it?... Devouring Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle. It is what you would think about dragon books. Dragon and rider are connected, they have to learn how to work as a team, they have to save the world.
Through all of that though, what really got to me was this part of the book:
They enveloped each other within the folds of their thoughts, holding each other with an intimacy no physical embrace could replicate, allowing their identities to merge once again. Their greatest comfort was a simple one: they were no longer alone. To know that you were with one who cared for you, and understood every fiber of your being, and would not abandon you is the most precious relationship a person can have...
In that moment, while I was reading, it immediately brought to mind prayer. Prayer is the way we talk to God, we are told to, "pray without ceasing" (
1 Thessalonians 5:17), that when we pray we are to give thanks; to come to Him with everything that we are. Our worries, our plans, our loves and our troubles. When I pray, I am enfolded in His love, held by Him in an intimacy that no physical embrace can even dare to match. I am folded within the Loving arms of God, and in prayer, I am no longer alone. I am merged with Him and have that most precious of relationships. I am understood, cared for and totally belong. Never neglect prayer for the small things of this world. We are created for this type of relationship; one only found with Jesus Christ. Believe He is, all that He says He is, and you will have the ultimate relationship better than a Dragon and her Rider.