After a short hiatus, I'm back! While healing through injuries and several other life things. I couldn't get the last book of Christopher Paolinis' out of my head. He describes the distance between dragon and dragon rider as an unbearable ache. After leaving his dragon behind; the dragon rider missed her presence in his head. Missed having her understanding love and her disciplining care. Everything about her, he missed. I couldn't help but think of the Old Testament. About how the people and their decisions brought them closer or further away from God. The emotions all tied up in these decisions and how it is the same today for our walk with Christ.
When we make decisions for God, we are close to Him. We walk with Him and have the ties that bond us to Him. When we don't; when we decide to go out on our own, we end up with the same feelings as the dragon rider and his dragon. When we forsake prayer, Godly actions and Godly thoughts we begin to miss the still small voice of Christ. Miss his discipling care. The piece that makes us whole. He is the friend that dances with us and that tells us when we mess up. He is an integral part of ourselves. Bonded from the moment we are reborn to him and a life long friend that can always be counted to defend and love us.
As Psalms 119 says: "Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s delight." {111}, "You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word."{114}, "Your testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors." {24}, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." {105}. His testimonies and laws and words are all God getting to know us; presenting himself to us to love and be loved in return.
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