I currently attended a local comic book convention called X-Con. It was great and I can't wait to go back again. What I really loved about this year was they had Sam Jones, the 1980's Flash Gordon!
I didn't get my picture with him, but I was able to attend his panel. The thing that surprised me the most was his consistent reference to prayer and letting God be part of your decision making process. He told us several stories where he and his wife prayed over a job and their prayers were answered. He talked about being humble and it being important to have Gods' hand on things when you make decisions.
All of this talk about God being involved with decisions reminded me of Matthew 6:33, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Sam Jones ended up with a career in security that allows him to travel to conventions and do his acting gigs while maintaining full time status. That's not an easy thing to come by and is a reminder to me that God watches over those people who follow his commandments.
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