Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why church is great; even when your DATA

In Star Trek: The Next Generation the character DATA can do just about anything. He figures out all the things the humans scratch their heads at. He's super fast, super smart, super strong and super efficient. He only lacks one thing: emotional capacity. DATA, although given an emotion chip, chooses to live without it. He chooses to make his best friend Jordy LaForge, instead of the ships computer. He chooses to learn from the flawed humans he works with and does not understand. In essence he chooses to fellowship with others who aren't like him and who never will be. How does this bring us to the church? The word church comes from the word ekklesia, which basically means a gathering of people called out to a purpose. As Christians we are called out to love God, love others and love your fellow Christians. 1 Corinthians 12:21-27 says it the best: we all have different jobs and are all different, but we all belong with and to each other. Even if you can do it all yourself, you benefit from being together. Just like DATA who chose to stay himself an:d gain friendship through dedication and essentially, love. We are the same as DATA, even when we think we can do it all, the people Christ puts in our life enriches and grows us. So, church is good, even if your DATA.

DATA and Jordy look at the emotion chip

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